Leaving London for Sussex, the flat is now let and I have to work out what to do next.
Newens: The Original Maids Of Honour
Having now let the flat, it might be a while before I come back and enjoy one of the delicious Maids Of Honour cakes at Newens.
Before we delve into the paper bag to retrieve the 2 cakes, a little bit of history is in order as these original cakes have quite a pedigree…
Location 24 June 07
Cycling – Winchester to …
It might have been the effects of dehydration, perhaps the sun was stronger than I could have ever imagined, but somewhere along the Coast to Coast walk I started to wonder about other bits of countryside within the UK and how I could best travel through them…
Later in the walk I started to meet cyclists, and having crossed the country from left to right, I started to wonder about journeying on a bicycle from Lands End to John O’ Groats – a small matter of around 950 miles, but perhaps a jaunt of a lifetime to compare with excursions in the planning on trains across Canada, the Americas and even Eurasia.
Further research I came across LEJOG on Google, what at first I thought might have been a fun run in France but with a little reading turned out to be an acronym for Lands End to John O’ Groats (sometimes also called end-to-end).
Then the madness truly set in, my bike was in Winchester and Becca was wanting to borrow it over the summer for excursions around Sussex – I saw the opportunity and not to be persuaded otherwise I planned to cycle as far from Winchester as possible towards Piltdown. Continue reading
Location 23 June 07
Cycling from Winchester to Piltdown (~70miles) as practice for a LEJOG…
Strawberry Cream Tea
This is a variation of the traditional cream tea, with the addition of fresh strawberries (which could tip the balance and ensure it meets the criteria for part of a five-a-day diet).
Unfortunately on this occasion the cream was not clotted, though the addition of strawberries was most welcome and make this a refreshing variation.
Cream Tea
Quite simply tea taken with a selection of scones, cream, and jam. For the best experience the cream should be clotted and I would suggest the jam be strawberry.
7 new wonders of the world
In planning places to go and see on my worldwide travels this site cropped up, and I had yet more places to visit…
What are your favourites? If you want to vote click here to go to the New 7 Wonders web site – voting ends on the 7th July 2007.
These are the places I voted for:We cannot display this gallery
Location 14 June 07
Covered in paint after decorating the flat
Knickerbocker glory
Combining ice cream, jelly, cream and fruit this pudding should always be served in a large tall glass to ensure the correct alignment of flavours and textures. With this combination of ingredients it might also count as part of a five-a-day diet.