Quite simply tea taken with a selection of scones, cream, and jam. For the best experience the cream should be clotted and I would suggest the jam be strawberry.
The selection photographed (above) was from a visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park – it contained a small pot of clotted cream and an miniature jar of strawberry jam, the saucer to the cup of tea can be seen sneaking into shot in the lower right hand corner.
While on this occasion the scone was a plain scone (and almost triangular) the greatest debate to be had rages over whether it is jam or cream that needs to be applied first – to whatever scone is available. The picture here illustrates both options – and while both have their merits and drawbacks, a good compromise could be had by organising as such.
Hi there,
It is interesting to see that the “Cream first / Jam first” debates is also taking place in Yorkshire as well as down here in the south west of England. Those of us living in Cornwall always put cream on the top. People from Devon serve scones with jam on the top.