While visiting my parents a family of stoats passed through the garden. They moved quickly, though I managed to get a few photos of them using a Canon Eos 350D – it was point, shoot and keep my fingers crossed. Out of a dozen or so shots I managed to get about 10 usable images – though they are cropped to 800×600 from 3456×2304. Those extra pixels came in handy!
I have also started up a gallery for all things that walk on the wild side…
Now are you quite sure they aren’t Weasels?
A weasel is weasily wecognised – a stoat is stoatally different…
Exactly, they were stoatally different.
Did you receive my request for permission to use one of your stoatally different photos?
@Faith – sorry didn’t get message, have emailed you.
What photo do you want to use, for what purpose?
They look like Least Weasels